Monday, October 26, 2009

Car tax and Car buying in japan

Introduces the legal costs of cars.
Learn the basics about cars here.

Translated from the Japanese here ...

Things to Know used car selection
Although considering buying a used car, wondering what would I choose and how a lot of used car from. Here, we are more careful to answer such simple questions. The method of selection from used car dealer price board type notes and required documents, and used car site Soroeta need a lot of information when purchasing a used car.

Legal costs and used car
automobile liability insurance premium tax deposit statutory motor vehicle weight tax and automobile acquisition tax vehicle tax rates are but a borrowed automobile recycling costs. When you buy a used car these legal cost. I would take a lot of expenses other than vehicle prices. The expenses are the costs and legal fees and dealer. Do not know this knowledge will take more than the money that I thought I did.

Car tax
And motor vehicle tax is the amount of taxes levied by each state by car exhaust. If you purchase a used car, this car will pay the tax once a year. This section will introduce the amount of years. ¥ 29,500 1000cc from 1000cc or less 1500cc from 2000cc for ¥ 34,500 below 45,000 yen or less 2500cc from 2500cc and 3000cc is 51000 yen or less.

And automobile liability insurance 
And automobile liability insurance is compulsory insurance that means. The compulsory insurance and just who is driving a car without automobile liability insurance this is not always. Automobile liability insurance, if the automobile policy, ¥ 13,850 13 months 12 months 24 months ¥ 14,570 at ¥ 22,470 25 months ¥ 23,170 36 months 37 months 31600 is ¥ 30,910 yen. In general, you are likely to have automobile liability insurance as well as any insurance this

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