Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mini E Specs shows lap Time and Max Speed

Clean Circle

Electro Mini E Cooper shows circle time with good specifications and high max speed

How to cope with pernicious habits? There is a lot must be proved - that is what BMW car maker headers think. The bad habit is the drive with petrol, diesel, gas etc. Most people think that car can’t drive without usual noise and exhaust, somebody can’t imagine a car as an ecological self-moving device, but the most worst of all is some drivers don’t take high speed without internal-combustion engines. Such these people the Bavarian car producer is trying to fight with as BMW train them to think so during tenths years.

The Kiddy Mini with index name E (Mini E) as full electro car can accelerate to 187 km per hour on short straight sections of the real race road of the Nurburgring Green Hell. The circle with a little bit more than 20 kilometers length was passed by 9 minutes and 50 seconds.

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